Sculpt Body & Wellness Clinics
You have a 14-day window from the date of receiving your item to initiate a return. To qualify for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition as when you received it. It should also be in its original packaging and accompanied by receipts or proof of purchase.
For all returns, our goal is to process your refund within 14 days of receiving the item. Please note that we do not accept returns for unwanted items after the specified return period.
All return items are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse. Please ensure that products are properly packaged to prevent damage during transit, and obtain proof of postage when sending your return item. Return delivery costs are not covered by Sculpt Clinics.
Upon receiving your item, we will inspect it and notify you of its arrival. We will promptly inform you of the status of your refund after inspecting the item. If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund to your credit card (or original payment method). The timeframe for receiving the credit will depend on your card issuer’s policies. Please note that we do not refund delivery or shipping costs.
We do not offer exchanges for products that have been opened or show signs of use for hygiene reasons. Exchanges can only be made if the item is returned undamaged and unopened. Sculpt Smile products are eligible for exchange with other Sculpt Smile items.
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